Uploading a file via dynamic URL
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Similar to uploading a file via URL, you can also upload your files by passing the URL of the build and release definition files all via the address bar.
As highlighted in the picture above, you would notice, the URL of the build definition is mentioned after the key "buildjson" followed by an ampersand (&) and then the key "releasejson" followed by the URL of the release definition file.
Therefore, the format would be:
Format:https://clydedz.github.io/cicd-docs/?buildjson=(URL of the build definition file)&releasejson=(URL of the release definition file)
And the example pictured above, uses the following URL. Feel free to give it a go!
Note: You don't have to have URLs of both - the build and release definition - files. You may supply any one if you'd like.
As with the other ways to upload a file, after a successful upload, you would be able to visualize your Azure DevOps pipeline.